MadBoy ProductionsOnline Design and Marketing MadBoy Productions
MadBoy Portfolio
Case Studies - Applicast

Applicast is an ASP that enables the power of world-class enterprise applications to work for aggressive-growth companies.

Situation Analysis
MadBoy Productions created the first generation Web site for Applicast during their funding phase several years ago. Once the company obtained the necessary funding, they wanted to create a site that was on par with their competitors and again retained our services. We met for weeks to discuss the needs of the site with five separate departments within Applicast. We created a large needs assessment analysis in order to define the site architecture, brand identity and key messaging strategy to include three important attributes: a new marketing identity, a new color palette and a standard three column information grid.

MadBoy Productions created a complete and innovative site reflecting the Applicast brand with new colors, new designs and new imagery. The importance of Applicast's customers and partners was emphasized with the addition of rotating animations featuring client and customer logos and word marks. Free white papers and corporate overviews were needed on the home page to provide immediate access to technical information with only one click. A news section was also created to highlight weekly press releases.

Event marketing is an integral part of the Applicast branding, so an Events section was added to the home page with links for more details on inside pages. A small feature of showing the date on the home page to highlight current information was also added along with an expandable left navigation scheme to access all inside pages.

Site Features

  • New grid design created to blend with printed marketing materials.
  • All relevant information moved to the home page for easy access.
  • Applicast Partners and Customers are featured on the home page in animated form.
  • Expandable left navigation added to access all pages of the site.

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